Category Archives: Box Office Reports


The Coen brothers are genius auteurs who have made masterpieces for over 25 years, and their latest, True Grit, entertained audiences to the tune of $24.5 million this weekend. So naturally, because the majority of American movie-goers are mouth-breathing ass-tards, the film placed second to that monumentally stupid and artless piece of shit, Little Fockers. Honestly, I don’t even understand how any human being with a shred of dignity or taste can even say Little Fockers to a ticket collector without dying a little inside. Congratulations, morons.

Here are your top 3 films at the box-office for the weekend of Dec. 31 – Jan. 2

1.) Little Fockers – $26.3 million

2.) True Grit – $24.5 million

3.) Tron Legacy – $18.3 million

Complete weekend chart can be found at Box Office Mojo.


For months, I’ve had to listen to friends and co-workers prattling on endlessly about how Tron Legacy was going to completely bomb at the box-office. Well, thankfully, they were wrong, as Legacy destroyed the competition and took in an estimated $43.6million this weekend. Not mega-blockbuster numbers, but it did very well in an overall weak Holiday release period. It also took in over two and a half times the number of tickets the original Tron did in its opening weekend. Here’s your top five-grossing movies for the weekend of December 17-19:

1.) Tron Legacy – $43.6 million

2.) Yogi Bear – $16.7 million

3.) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – $12.4 million

4.) The Fighter – $12.2 million

5.) The Tourist – $8.7 million

Full weekend chart at Box Office Mojo


Back in the Christmas of 2005, the first Narnia film, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, enchanted audiences worldwide. The adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ Christian allegory took in almost $750 million worldwide, and Disney was sure it had a franchise on its hands that could rival The Lord of the Rings. That was before the darker, monumentally dull and emo Prince Caspian barely made a blip on theatergoer’s radar in the very crowded Summer of 2008. Disney promptly dumped the rights to future Narnia films, and that was a wise decision, as the newest chapter, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, set sail in shallow box-office waters with a paltry $24 million take. We may have seen the last of talking, sword fighting mice and the Jesus Lion.  Here’s the full weekend chart, courtesy of Box Office Mojo.


Back in the Christmas of 2005, the first Narnia film, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, enchanted audiences worldwide. The adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ Christian allegory took in almost $750 million worldwide, and Disney was sure it had a franchise on its hands that could rival The Lord of the Rings. That was before the darker, monumentally dull and emo Prince Caspian barely made a blip on theatergoer’s radar in the very crowded Summer of 2008. Disney promptly dumped the rights to future Narnia films, and that was a wise decision, as the newest chapter, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, set sail in shallow box-office waters with a paltry $24 million take. We may have seen the last of talking, sword fighting mice and the Jesus Lion.  Here’s the full weekend chart, courtesy of Box Office Mojo.


For the second straight weekend, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 captured the box office crown with an estimated $50.3 million haul. However, it was almost dethroned by the latest offering from the Mouse House, as Tangled (a.k.a. Rapunzel) came just a hair short (hair, haha! get it?) of Hallows with a $49.1 million take. Dwayne “I’m not The Rock anymore” Johnson’s awful-looking revenge flick Faster was D.O.A. with a pathetic $8 million in ticket sales.

Credit: Box Office Mojo