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I have not been bashful about my unbridled, slobbering passion when it comes to Captain America: The First Avenger. My expectations for this Marvel adaptation are sky-high, and these three new character posters for the film have only reinforced that enthusiasm. The images are the best looks we’ve had so far of Captain America, The Red Skull, and Sharon Carter. I would love to see character posters for Bucky and Dum Dum Dugan as well, but I’m sure they’ll be forthcoming. Click on the thumbnails for glorious hi-res versions! Captain America is in theaters on July 22 (Fuck you, Michael Bay, for stealing the July 4 release date for your shitty Transformers sequel!).


Today, a grainy, bootlegged snippet of video from an upcoming Entertainment Tonight segment on Captain America: The First Avenger surfaced on the Internet. It lasts a whole six seconds and basically shows Chris Evans looking down and sort of smiling with a blue helmet on. Shockingly, this all-too-brief video marks the first time that anyone outside of the production has seen footage from Captain America at all.  A full year ago, we saw a five-minute extended compilation of footage at the San Diego Comic-con for Marvel’s other big Summer ’11 release Thor, as well as an official trailer during the Holidays.

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